Hey all, I come from a 1st responder/military family. Ever since I was young all I wanted to do was to help people, so naturally I became a cook. While working as a professional chef, I kept having this feeling that I could be doing more. So I took an EMT class and took off running.
I was an EMT for 5 years before becoming a Paramedic in 2019. During that time I worked in a high call volume area that did not strongly support the mental health of their employees. I was excited to take the class and join the team, so I could help break the stigma that asking for help is seen as a weakness. Hopefully, this team can help you as it has helped me in the past.
Currently, I’m working as a Paramedic for Northeast Fire Rescue and Nelson Ambulance I’m also a volunteer for North Branford Fire Department Company 4.
When I’m not working, you can find me still cooking, I tend to feed everyone around me. I also like to play video games and DnD.